Women’s Health Physiotherapist & Yoga Teacher

Andrea Yeboah Regis, Women's Health PhysiotherapistAndrea Yeboah Regis is a Women’s Health Physiotherapist and a Pregnancy Yoga Teacher. She gained her pregnancy yoga qualifications from both Sitaram Yoga and Birthlight and has integrated both philosophies to develop her own style. She also holds a BSc (Hons) in Physiotherapy and a postgraduate certificate Physiotherapy in Women’s Health.

Andrea has worked at three major London teaching hospitals in the field of Women’s Health. Her special interests include ante and postnatal back pain, pelvic girdle pain, pelvic floor dysfunction including bladder and bowel incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse. She also teaches regular antenatal physiotherapy advice sessions and encourages participation in prenatal yoga whenever possible.


Andrea is one of the teachers on the Yoga Mama Pregnancy Yoga teacher training course. In addition to this, she is also one of the teachers on our Postnatal Yoga and Pelvic Floor workshops.