Medical Doctor & Specialist Yoga Teacher

Sangeeta Mittal, Medical Doctor and specialist yoga teacherSangeeta Mittal trained as a doctor specialising in Obstetrics and Gynaecology in London. She was introduced to Hatha yoga at the age of 21 in the foothills of the Himalayas where she worked as a doctor in a women’s ashram and started training as a yoga teacher.

On qualifying from medical school, she spent a decade in hospital clinical practice. In addition, she completed research investigating the impact of hormonal therapy in breast cancer survivors. She also spent time working with charities abroad. After this, she then secured a role in the pharmaceutical industry. She helped secure access to medicines for people with rare cancers for Pfizer oncology. Sangeeta also worked as a medical affairs consultant for Astra Zeneca, leading the women’s cancer portfolio and appreciating the impact of BRCA-gene driven cancers.

Now enjoying motherhood, Sangeeta teaches one-to-one sessions for pregnant, postnatal and perimenopausal women and cancer survivors. She retrained in Ashtanga Yoga through Yoga London, and Pregnancy and Postnatal Yoga through Yoga Mama. In addition, she undertook advanced pregnancy yoga teaching skills with yoga nidra lead, Uma Dinsmore.

Her strong belief is that longevity (irrespective of hereditary and environmental forces) is derived from a sense purpose and feeling of community. Both of which may be obtained through yoga. She encourages women, in particular, to integrate yoga into their daily practices to enhance their physical, mental and spiritual well-being, alongside their self-awareness.


Sangeeta is one of the teachers on our online Yoga for the Menopause and Perimenopause CPD Workshop.

‘Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self’
– Bhagavad Gita